Bfn Design mastic asphalt applications with stakeholders

Bfn Design mastic asphalt applications with stakeholders
Context Bfn Building for Nature project
Decompositie type IOR


Design session

During a design session at the Building for Nature conference organized by the HZ University of Applied sciences a number of materials were suggested to add as topping to the mastic asphalt. Some promising materials suggested were oyster shells and cockles. Oysters and cockles were suggested due to the fact that they are a natural hard substrate in marine and coastal zones and shell material is often readily available.

Mastic asphalt on the dikes in Zeeland is sometimes covered with lava stones as an “ecotop”. Lava stone is a very porous material and can therefore remain moist even during low tides. Lava stones in the field showed to have a variety of macro algae growing on the material. However, workshop participants had also observed that the material sometimes disappears or ends up and the bottom of the dike. Due to the proven potential of the material in the field, the lava stones were chosen as a topping for mastic asphalt that required further prove of concept. Both small lava stones (± 3-5 cm in diameter) and large lava stones (± 10-20 cm in diameter) were chosen as a topping material, since there might be a difference in their durability in the asphalt.

Finally, there is another material that was tested which could potentially serve as an alternative to mastic asphalt and was therefore not used as a topping. This material is referred to as Elastocoast and was developed by BASF and Heijmans. The Elastocoast material consists of rocks covered and pasted together with polyurethane-glue. The material has many open spaces where fauna can potentially hide and is thought to be able to facilitate growth of sea weeds (Vergouwen et al. 2017).

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HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland