
Set VN link, Property name = Context, Property VN name = Context

Model link = Ecosystem

Result = Ecologie en duurzaamheid VN

End Set VN link

Set VN link, Property name = Skos:inScheme, Property VN name = Skos:inScheme

Model link = Ecosystem

Result = Waterveiligheid VN

End Set VN link

Set VN link, Property name = Dct:subject, Property VN name = Dct:subject

Model link = Ecosystem

Result =

End Set VN link

Set VN link, Property name = Skosem:broader, Property VN name = Skosem:broader

Model link = Ecosystem

Result =

End Set VN link

Set VN link, Property name = Skosem:partOf, Property VN name = Skosem:partOf

Model link = Ecosystem

Result =

End Set VN link

Set VN link, Property name = Skos:related, Property VN name = Skos:related

Model link = Ecosystem

Result = Anthropogenic factor VN, Building with Nature VN, Ecologie VN, Natuur VN

End Set VN link

Deelgebied in thesaurus 
Ecologie en duurzaamheid
Alternatieve naam 
Breder concept 
Smaller concept 
Coastal system, Seagrass ecosystem
Onderdeel van 
Bestaat uit 
Ecological resilience, Ecosysteemdienst, Habitat, Seasonality
Gerelateerd concept 
Anthropogenic factor, Building with Nature, Ecologie, Natuur
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland