SD Initiative Phase

SD Initiative Phase
Overkoepelende context SD Making of stadswerven Dordrecht park
Context type

SD Work clusters selection of projectteam members SD Search for innovations in watermanagement SD Within municipality of Dordrecht SD Initative meeting 1 SD Intention to realise a Building with Nature project in the municipality of Dordrecht SD Inform Deltares BwN specialist Mindert de Vries SD Inform WB head of Ecology deparment Marcel Klinge SD Field trip to find a good location for a Building with Nature project SD Selection of Stadswerven Dordrecht as location for Building with Nature SD Access to good practical ecological knowledge SD Initiative meeting 2 SD Agreement to write a proposal for the EFRO subsidy SD Writing of proposal for EFRO subsidy SD Huib de Vriend SD Granting of EFRO subsidy SD EU SD Stimulate local and regional economy SD Strenghtening of reputation as Innovative Water City SD Make urban environment greener SD Ecoshape wants to show Building with Nature can be used in real life projects SD Define work clusters and select projectteam and projectleaders for each cluster SD Note that states the contribution of every organisation SD Putting together the project team for the application for the EFRO subsidy SD Deltares projectmanager Suzanne van der Meulen SD WB head of Urban water group Jaap Klein SD Determine how much every organisation will contribute in kind and financially SD Select overall projectleaders SD Projectleaders clusters SD Writing of project plan SD Writing of cooperation agreement SD WB projectmanager urban water specialist Aniel Balla SD Deltares projectmanager Hans Groot SD Projectteam SD Sign cooperation agreement SD Signed cooperation agreement SD Commitment from the concerning parties SD Project plan SD Feasible project plan with agreement on tasks and deadlines SD Management team Witteveen Bos Deltares Ecoshape SD Startup meeting SD Select management team SD Management team Stadswerven SD Ecoshape management team SD Municipality of Dordrecht SD Deltares SD Witteveen Bos SD Initiative team SD Initiative PhaseSD Initiative Phase
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  • Subcontexten
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  • Practices & Experiences
  • Elementen
SD Access to good practical ecological knowledge Goal
SD Agreement to write a proposal for the EFRO subsidy Outcome
SD Commitment from the concerning parties Goal
SD Define work clusters and select projectteam and projectleaders for each cluster Activity
SD Deltares
SD Deltares projectmanager Hans Groot
SD Deltares projectmanager Suzanne van der Meulen
SD Determine how much every organisation will contribute in kind and financially Activity
SD Ecoshape management team
SD Ecoshape wants to show Building with Nature can be used in real life projects Condition
SD Feasible project plan with agreement on tasks and deadlines Goal
SD Field trip to find a good location for a Building with Nature project Activity
SD Granting of EFRO subsidy Activity
SD Inform Deltares BwN specialist Mindert de Vries Activity
SD Inform WB head of Ecology deparment Marcel Klinge Activity
SD Initative meeting 1 Activity
SD Initiate Activity
SD Initiative meeting 2 Activity
SD Initiative team
SD Intention to realise a Building with Nature project in the municipality of Dordrecht Outcome
SD Make urban environment greener Goal
SD Management team Stadswerven
SD Management team Witteveen Bos Deltares Ecoshape
SD Municipality of Dordrecht
SD Note that states the contribution of every organisation Outcome
SD Project plan Outcome
SD Projectleaders clusters
SD Projectteam
SD Putting together the project team for the application for the EFRO subsidy Activity
SD Search for innovations in watermanagement Activity
SD Select management team Activity
SD Select overall projectleaders Activity
SD Selection of Stadswerven Dordrecht as location for Building with Nature Outcome
SD Sign cooperation agreement Activity
SD Signed cooperation agreement Outcome
SD Startup meeting Activity
SD Stimulate local and regional economy Goal
SD Strenghtening of reputation as Innovative Water City Goal
SD WB head of Urban water group Jaap Klein
SD Within municipality of Dordrecht Condition
SD Witteveen Bos
SD Work clusters selection of projectteam members Outcome
SD Writing of cooperation agreement Activity
SD Writing of project plan Activity
SD Writing of proposal for EFRO subsidy Activity
  • Links tussen elementen
  Type Linkt naar Connectie type Conditie Waarde Opmerkingen
SD Determine how much every organisation will contribute in kind and financially Connects SD Writing of proposal for EFRO subsidy seq
SD Field trip to find a good location for a Building with Nature project Connects SD Initiative meeting 2 seq
SD Granting of EFRO subsidy Contributes SD Stimulate local and regional economy +
SD Granting of EFRO subsidy Connects SD Select overall projectleaders seq
SD Inform Deltares BwN specialist Mindert de Vries Connects SD Inform WB head of Ecology deparment Marcel Klinge seq
SD Inform WB head of Ecology deparment Marcel Klinge Contributes SD Access to good practical ecological knowledge +
SD Inform WB head of Ecology deparment Marcel Klinge Connects SD Field trip to find a good location for a Building with Nature project seq
SD Initative meeting 1 Depends SD Ecoshape wants to show Building with Nature can be used in real life projects
SD Initative meeting 1 Connects SD Inform Deltares BwN specialist Mindert de Vries seq
SD Initiate Contributes SD Location for BwN in Dordrecht ++
SD Initiate Contributes SD Commitment from stakeholders ++
SD Initiate Connects SD Design and plan seq
SD Initiative meeting 2 Connects SD Putting together the project team for the application for the EFRO subsidy seq
SD Putting together the project team for the application for the EFRO subsidy Connects SD Determine how much every organisation will contribute in kind and financially seq
SD Search for innovations in watermanagement Contributes SD Strenghtening of reputation as Innovative Water City +
SD Search for innovations in watermanagement Depends SD Within municipality of Dordrecht
SD Search for innovations in watermanagement Connects SD Initative meeting 1 seq
SD Search for innovations in watermanagement Contributes SD Make urban environment greener +
SD Select overall projectleaders Connects SD Startup meeting seq
SD Sign cooperation agreement Contributes SD Commitment from the concerning parties +
SD Startup meeting Connects SD Writing of project plan seq
SD Writing of cooperation agreement Connects SD Sign cooperation agreement seq
SD Writing of project plan Contributes SD Feasible project plan with agreement on tasks and deadlines +
SD Writing of project plan Connects SD Writing of cooperation agreement seq
SD Writing of proposal for EFRO subsidy Connects SD Granting of EFRO subsidy seq
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland