Planning and Design Phase

Context VN set links: model = SD Planning and Design

Set VN link, Property name = Supercontext, Property VN name = Supercontext

Model link = SD Planning and Design

Result = SD Making of stadswerven Dordrecht park VN

End Set VN link

Context VN set links: model = SD Planning and Design,

Set VN link, Property name = Supercontext, Property VN name = Supercontext

Model link = SD Planning and Design,

Result =

End Set VN link

SD Meeting with small and medium sized enterprises VN SD Meeting Deltares WB VN SD Agreement on systemanalyses VN SD Generation of BwN solutions VN SD Project meeting 2 VN SD Inform municipality on progress of project VN SD Agreement on first selection of feasible BwN solutions VN SD Generation of BwN solutions VN SD Identification of realistic BwN alternatives fase VN SD Making of preliminary design VN SD Check on juridical feasibility of design ideas VN SD Project meeting 2 VN SD Inform municipality on progress of project VN SD Agreement on selection of feasible BwN solutions VN SD WB specialists VN SD Deltares specialists VN SD WB landscape architect VN SD Finishing of preliminary design VN SD Selection of feasible solutions VN SD WB specialists VN SD Deltares specialists VN SD Evaluate and select alternatives phase VN SD Soil quality measurement VN SD Realisation of development plan VN SD WB specialists VN SD Making of exploitation budget VN SD Realisation of technical design VN SD Municipality of Dordrecht VN SD Project meeting 3 VN SD Inform municipality on progress of project VN SD Agreement on preliminary design VN SD Deltares specialists VN SD Realisation of landscaping design VN SD WB landscape architect VN SD Project meeting 4 VN SD Transfer landscaping design and technical design to the municipality of Dordrecht VN SD Making of cost estimate 2 VN SD Modify development plan VN SD Finalize development plan VN SD Making of cost estimate 1 VN SD Elaborate selected alternative fase VN SD WB hydromorphologist VN SD Report on fysical system VN SD Project meeting 1 VN SD Note on BwN possibilities and design criteria according to stakeholders VN SD Note on governmental ambitions VN SD Municipality of Dordrecht projectmanager Stadswerven Urban panner Civil engineer VN SD WB Projectmanager Aniel Balla VN SD Deltares Projectmanager Suzanne van der Meulen VN SD Agreement on desireable outcomes of project and project plan VN SD WB ecologist VN SD WB specialist urban water VN SD Collecting of information on shipyard constructions and soil VN SD 0 measurement ecology VN SD Desk investigation of the ecological system VN SD Desk investigation of hydromorphological system VN SD Measurements on shipyard construction VN SD Meeting specialists fysical system VN SD Investigation of physical system VN SD Desk investigation of shipyard construction and soil VN SD Physical system analyses VN SD Desk investigation of governmental system VN SD Governmental system analyses VN SD Interviews with stakeholders VN SD Workshop with stakeholders VN SD Social economical system analyses VN SD WB specialist urban water Jelle de Jong VN SD Deltares consultant Geochemistry Sophie Moinier VN SD Deltares ecologist VN SD Systemanalyses VNSD Planning and Design
Over deze afbeelding
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland