Delta: verschil tussen versies

Regel 28: Regel 28:
#Delta: (1) An alluvial deposit, usually triangular, at the mouth of a river of other stream. It is normally built up only where there is no tidal or current action capable of removing the sediment as fast as it is deposited, and hence the delta builds forward from the coastline. (2) A tidal delta is a similar deposit at the mouth of a tidal inlet, put there by tidal currents. (3) A wave delta is a deposit made by large waves which run over the top of a spit or barrier beach and down the landward side {{Cite|resource=File: Glossary of Coastal Terminology |name= (Voigt, 1998)}}.
#Delta: (1) An alluvial deposit, usually triangular, at the mouth of a river of other stream. It is normally built up only where there is no tidal or current action capable of removing the sediment as fast as it is deposited, and hence the delta builds forward from the coastline. (2) A tidal delta is a similar deposit at the mouth of a tidal inlet, put there by tidal currents. (3) A wave delta is a deposit made by large waves which run over the top of a spit or barrier beach and down the landward side {{Cite|resource=File: Glossary of Coastal Terminology |name= (Voigt, 1998)}}.
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Versie van 15 nov 2014 om 21:57


Context Rivier-meer-kust
prefLabel Delta
inScheme Waterveiligheid
partOf Rivier, Deltagebied
creator Twee bronnen:
  1. Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Directoraat-Generaal Water; Waterveiligheid, Begrippen begrijpen, november 2007.
  2. Voorschriften Toetsen op Veiligheid Primaire Waterkeringen (VTV2006). Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, september 2007

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Twee definities:

  1. Mondingsgebied van rivieren, gekenmerkt door splitsende zijarmen.
  2. Uitmonding van een rivier als een stelsel van aftakkingen.

Twee definities:

  1. Mondingsgebied van rivieren, gekenmerkt door splitsende zijarmen.
  2. Uitmonding van een rivier als een stelsel van aftakkingen.

  1. A delta is the zone that divides a river in two or more branches before it flows into the sea (UNESCO, 2014).
  2. Delta: (1) An alluvial deposit, usually triangular, at the mouth of a river of other stream. It is normally built up only where there is no tidal or current action capable of removing the sediment as fast as it is deposited, and hence the delta builds forward from the coastline. (2) A tidal delta is a similar deposit at the mouth of a tidal inlet, put there by tidal currents. (3) A wave delta is a deposit made by large waves which run over the top of a spit or barrier beach and down the landward side (Voigt, 1998).

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HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland