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Pagina's die de eigenschap "Journal" gebruiken

Er zijn 25 pagina's die deze eigenschappen gebruiken.

(vorige 25 | volgende 25) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) bekijken.
Effects of sediment disturbance regimes on Spartina seedling establishment: Implications for salt marsh creation and restoration + Limnology and Oceanography  +
Effects of shading on the growth + Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology  +
Effects of water dynamics on Zostera marina: transplantation experiments in the intertidal Dutch Wadden Sea + Marine Ecology Progress Series  +
Effects of wave exposure on morphological variation in Mytilus edulis platensis (Mollusca, Bivalvia) of the Atlantic Uruguayan coast + Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences  +
Effects of wave exposure, temperature and epibiont fouling on byssal thread production and growth in the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, in the Gulf of Maine + Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology  +
Engineering Resilience versus Ecological Resilience + Engineering within Ecological Constraints  +
Erodibility of cohesive sediment: The importance of sediment properties + Earth-Science Reviews  +
Establishing-vegetated-foreshores-to-increase-dike-safety-along-lake-shores.pdf + FLOODrisk 2016 - 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management  +
Establishment of Avicennia marina mangroves on accreting coastline at Sungai Haji Dorani, Selangor, Malaysia + Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science  +
Estimated enhancement of fish production resulting from restoring oyster reef habitat: quantitative valuation + Marine Ecology Progress Series  +
Eutrofication threatens caribean seagrasses + Marine Pollution Bulletin  +
Evaluation of a mechanical seed planter for transplanting Zostera marina (eelgrass) seeds + Aquatic Botany  +
Evaluation of a tidal flat sediment nourishment as estuarine management measure + Ocean & Coastal Management  +
Evolution of phenotypic plasticity in extreme environments + Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences  +
Experimental Evidence for Spatial Self-Organization and Its Emergent Effects in Mussel Bed Ecosystems + Science  +
Experimental analysis of growth and survivorship in a marine gastropod aggregation - Balancing growth with safety in numbers + Marine Ecology Progress Series  +
Experimental transplanting of Posidonia australis seagrass in Port Hacking, Australia, to assess the feasibility of restoration + Marine Pollution Bulletin  +
External conditions drive optimal planting configurations for salt marsh restoration + Journal of Applied Ecology  +
Facilitation shifts paradigms and can amplify coastal restoration efforts + PNAS  +
Factors Influencing Seedling Establishment Rates in Zostera marina and Their Implications for Seagrass Restoration + Restoration Ecology  +
Factors Influencing Shell Shape in the Mussel Mytilus Edulis + Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom  +
Field tests for operational shear strength assessment in peat at Uitdam, The Netherlands + Eurofuge 2012  +
Fine sediments in the Oosterschelde tidal basin before and after partial closure + Hydrobiologia  +
Fisher et al Nutrient limitations .pdf + Marine Ecology Progress Series  +
Flow velocity and light level drive non-linear response of seagrass Zostera noltei to ammonium enrichment + Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.  +
HZ University of Applied Sciences
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Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland