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Pagina's die de eigenschap "Journal" gebruiken

Er zijn 25 pagina's die deze eigenschappen gebruiken.

(vorige 25 | volgende 25) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) bekijken.
Light Is More Important Than Nutrient Ratios of Fertilization for Cymodocea nodosa Seedling Development + Front. Plant Sci  +
Light requirements for successful restoration of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in a high latitude environment – Acclimatization, growth and carbohydrate storage + Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology  +
Living in the intertidal; desiccation and shading reduce seagrass growth, but high salinity or population of origin have no additional effect + PeerJ Preprints  +
LnW radiometrie.pdf + Waterhuishouding en waterbouw  +
Local Regime Shifts Prevent Natural Recovery and Restoration of Lost Eelgrass Beds Along the Swedish West Coast + Estuaries and Coasts  +
Lock Early Colonization of Littoral Communities of Polyurethane Coated.pdf + Journal of Coastal Research  +
Long-Term Population Development of a Reintroduced Beaver (Castor fiber) Population in Sweden + Conservation Biology  +
Long-term nutrient reductions lead to the unprecedented recovery of a temperate coastal region + PNAS  +
Long-term patterns in the establishment, expansion and decline of invading macrozoobenthic species in the brackish and marine waters of Southwest Netherlands + Marine Ecology  +
Long-term salt marsh vertical accretion in a tidal bay with reduced sediment supply + Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science  +
Long-term seed storage and viability of Zostera marina + Aquatic Botany  +
Low-Canopy Seagrass Beds Still Provide Important Coastal Protection Services + PloS One  +
Low-Canopy Seagrass Beds Still Provide Important Coastal Protection Services.pdf + PloS One  +
Macro-algen Veerse Meer 2011-NIOO-MT final.pdf + Monitor Taskforce Publication Series  +
Management options for restoring estuarine dynamics and implications for ecosystems: A quantitative approach for the Southwest Delta in the Netherlands + Ocean & Coastal Management  +
Mangrove rehabilitation on Carey Island, Malaysia: an evaluation of replanting techniques and sediment properties + Marine Biology Research  +
Mangrove restoration without planting + Ecological Engineering  +
Marine Phytophthora species can hamper conservation and restoration of vegetated coastal ecosystems + Proc Biol Sci  +
Marine and Coastal Ecosystems and Human Well-Being + Millennium Ecosystems Assessment  +
Modeling the Effects of Oyster Reefs and Breakwaters on Seagrass Growth + Estuaries and Coasts  +
Modeling the influence of a young mussel bed on fine sediment dynamics on an intertidal flat in the Wadden Sea + Ecological Engineering  +
Modelling stressors on the eelgrass recovery process in two Danish estuaries + Ecological Modelling  +
Modulation of wave forces on kelp canopies by alongshore currents + Limnology and Oceanography  +
Monitoring of black mangrove restoration with nursery-reared seedlings on an arid coastal lagoon + Hydrobiologia  +
Movement and wave dislodgment of mussels on a wave-exposed rocky shore + Veliger  +
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland