
This is a property of type Text.


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Pagina's die de eigenschap "Bibtex:number" gebruiken

Er zijn 25 pagina's die deze eigenschappen gebruiken.

(vorige 25 | volgende 25) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) bekijken.
Experimental analysis of growth and survivorship in a marine gastropod aggregation - Balancing growth with safety in numbers + 47-59  +
External conditions drive optimal planting configurations for salt marsh restoration + 3  +
Facilitation shifts paradigms and can amplify coastal restoration efforts + 46  +
Fine sediments in the Oosterschelde tidal basin before and after partial closure + 1  +
Flow Forces on Seaweeds + 3  +
Geomorphological Changes of the Oosterschelde Tidal System During and After the Implementation of the Delta Project + 3  +
Habitat Complexity: Approaches and Future Directions + 1  +
Habitat suitability of the Wadden Sea for restoration of Zostera marina beds + 2-3  +
Haperen v & v Wijngaarden 1991 Delevendenatuur 2.62 66.pdf + 2  +
Identifying knowledge gaps hampering application of intertidal habitats in coastal protection: Opportunities and steps to take + 147-157  +
Identifying optimal sites for natural recovery and restoration of impacted biogenic habitats in a special area of conservation using hydrodynamic and habitat suitability modelling + 77  +
Impact of Back-Barrier Dams on the Development of the Ebb-Tidal Delta of the Eastern Scheldt + 6  +
Influence of wave exposure and habitat complexity in determining spatial variation of the sea urchin populations and macro algal cover + 3  +
Interactions between water and land in The Netherlands + 2  +
Land Water duurzame zuilen.pdf + Nr.10 oktober 2013  +
MER toetsingsadvies.pdf + rapportnummer 1682-110  +
Mangrove rehabilitation on Carey Island, Malaysia: an evaluation of replanting techniques and sediment properties + 4  +
Mangrove restoration without planting + 2  +
Modeling the influence of a young mussel bed on fine sediment dynamics on an intertidal flat in the Wadden Sea + 2  +
Monitoring of black mangrove restoration with nursery-reared seedlings on an arid coastal lagoon + 101-109  +
Non-indigenous marine and estuarine species.pdf + 1  +
Nutrient limitation in the North Sea: A bioassay approch + 1  +
PZDT-V-97011.pdf + PZDT-V-97011  +
Patch Dynamics of Mussels on Rocky Shores: Integrating Process to Understand Pattern + 82  +
Patch dynamics of mussels on rocky shores: Integrating process to understand pattern + 11  +
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland