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Pagina's die de eigenschap "Edition" gebruiken

Er zijn 25 pagina's die deze eigenschappen gebruiken.

(vorige 25 | volgende 25) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) bekijken.
Density-dependent linkage of scale-dependent feedbacks: A flume study on the intertidal macrophyte Spartina anglica + 2  +
Does increased habitat complexity reduce predation and competition in coral reef fish assemblages + 2  +
Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services Provided by Oyster Reefs + 62  +
Ecosystem services related to oyster restoration + 341  +
Effects of natural oyster reefs on the sediment balance.pdf + 16  +
Erodibility of cohesive sediment: The importance of sediment properties + 105  +
Establishment of Avicennia marina mangroves on accreting coastline at Sungai Haji Dorani, Selangor, Malaysia + 4  +
Estimated enhancement of fish production resulting from restoring oyster reef habitat: quantitative valuation + 264  +
Evolution of phenotypic plasticity in extreme environments + 1723  +
Experimental Evidence for Spatial Self-Organization and Its Emergent Effects in Mussel Bed Ecosystems + 5902  +
Experimental transplanting of Posidonia australis seagrass in Port Hacking, Australia, to assess the feasibility of restoration + 1  +
Factors Influencing Shell Shape in the Mussel Mytilus Edulis + 3  +
General tendencies of phyto- and zooplankton development in two closed estuaries (Lake Veere and Lake Grevelingen) in relation to an open estuary (Eastern Scheldt). S.W. Netherlands + 12  +
Habitat Complexity Influences Cascading Effects of Multiple Predators + 12  +
Henderson’s dictionary of Biology + 15  +
Historical changes in intertidal oyster (''Crassostrea virginica'') reefs in a Florida lagoon potentially related to boating activities + 21  +
How Local Is Local? A Review of Practical and Conceptual Issues in the Genetics of Restoration + 3  +
How ecological engineering can serve in coastal protection + 2  +
How to toughen up your mussels: Using mussel shell morphological plasticity to reduce predation losses + 3  +
Impact of temperature and prey shell thickness on feeding of the oyster drill Urosalpinx cinerea Say + 448  +
Impacts of Invasive Oyster Drills on Olympia Oyster (Ostrea lurida Carpenter 1864) Recovery in Willapa Bay, Washington, United States + 28  +
Incorporating positive interactions in aquatic restoration and conservation + 3  +
Integraal begrazingsadvies VZM 1992.pdf + 348  +
Introduction to Coastal Processes and Geomorphology + 1st edition  +
Introduction, establishment and expansion of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in the Oosterschelde (SW Netherlands) + 63  +
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland