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Pagina's die de eigenschap "Journal" gebruiken

Er zijn 25 pagina's die deze eigenschappen gebruiken.

(vorige 25 | volgende 25) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) bekijken.
Causes and effects of a highly successful marine invasion: Case-study of the introduced Pacific oyster ‘’Crassostrea gigas’’ in continental NW European estuaries + Netherlands Journal of Sea Research  +
Changes in the seagrass populations of the Dutch Waddenzee + Aquatic Botany  +
Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change: Can the IPCC Technical Guidelines be applied? + Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change  +
Coastal adaptation with ecological engineering + Nature Climate Change  +
Coastal-marsh-die-off-and-reduced-attenuation-of-coastal-floods-A-model-analysis 2012 Global-and-Planetary-Change.pdf + Global and Planetary Change  +
Combined nutrient and macroalgae loads lead to response in seagrass indicator properties + Marine Pollution Bulletin  +
Community dynamics of intertidal soft-bottom mussel beds over two decades + Helgoland Marine Research  +
Comparing the performance of species distribution models of Zostera marina: Implications for conservation + Netherlands Journal of Sea Research  +
Comparison of the influence of patch-scale and meadow-scale characteristics on flow within seagrass meadows: a flume study + Marine Ecology Progress Series  +
Competition and niche segregation following the arrival of Hemigrapsus takanoi in the formerly Carcinus maenas dominated Dutch delta + Journal of Sea Research  +
Complex Effects of Ecosystem Engineer Loss on Benthic Ecosystem Response to Detrital Macroalgae + PloS One  +
Composition, distribution and biomass of meiobenthos in the Oosterschelde estuary (SW Netherlands) + Hydrobiologia  +
Conditional Responses of Benthic Communities to Interference from an Intertidal Bivalve + PloS One  +
Conditional effects of tides and waves on short-term marsh sedimentation dynamics + Earth Surface Processes and Landforms  +
Consensus forecasting of intertidal seagrass habitat in the Wadden Sea + Journal of Applied Ecology  +
Conservation of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Genetic Diversity in a Mesocosm-Based Restoration Experiment + PloS One  +
Conserving intertidal habitats: What is the potential of ecological engineering to mitigate impacts of coastal structures + Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science  +
Consumption of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) by the isopod idotea chelipes (pallas) in lake Grevelingen, after the growing season + Netherlands Journal of Sea Research  +
Continuous monitoring bed-level dynamics on an intertidal flat: Introducing novel, stand-alone high-resolution SED-sensors + Geomorphology  +
Controls on spatial patterns of sediment deposition across a macro-tidal salt marsh surface over single tidal cycles + Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science  +
Copper treatment during storage reduces Phytophthora and Halophytophthora infection of Zostera marina seeds used for restoration + Scientific Reports  +
Coral transplantation as an aid to reef rehabilitation: Evaluation of a case study in the Maldive Islands + Coral Reefs  +
Costs and limits of phenotypic plasticity + Trends in Ecology & Evolution  +
Coupling instrumental and geological records of sea-level change: Evidence from southern New England of an increase in the rate of sea-level rise in the late 19th century + Geophysical Research Letters  +
Cover versus recovery: Contrasting responses of two indicators in seagrass beds + Marine Pollution Bulletin  +
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland