
Context Expertise Management Method (EMM)
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CTF is an acronym for: Control, transform, facilitate. This entails the following: Certain input is given to a process, which is then transformed to output. To facilitate this transformation, certain resources are needed. To make sure that this transformation and facilitation is going according to plan, there will be control over the process. CTF is a method that is used to structure and store this vital information.

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While a standalone CTF implementation is already good in its own rights, it gets even better when combined with other patterns. Other patterns that work extremely well with CTF are, among others, PQR and PDCA. The PQR is a great addition to the ‘transform’ aspect of the CTF, seeing as the PQR method is designed to provide suitable actions for certain conditions. The PDCA method is suitable to be implemented in the ‘control’ aspect of the CTF method. PDCA, which means: ‘Plan, do, check, act’. It is a cyclic method for continuous improvement, which is ideal for a controlling process such as the one in CTF. A diagram portraying the combination of CTF and PDCA would look like the illustration below, as shown, the PDCA and the CTF make a great combination, allowing for better governance. Thus one of the characteristics of the CTF method is that other methods can easily entwine with CTF, with emphasis on PQR and PDCA. Another great combination with CTF is CTF itself, a CTF block can be placed inside another CTF block, providing the wanted level of depth. Those levels of depths can create difficulties with visualising; it could become confusing when too many levels are present.

Alternative Visualisations

The current CTF/PDCA visualisation seems pretty solid, thus not many alternative visualisations have been found for this pattern. One of the few alternative visualisations is an extremely simplified implementation of the sequence diagram. The horizontal axis(the "heading") will contain the C, T and F, while the vertical axis will contain P, D, C and A. Allowing for an extremely structured approach that can be extended quite easily by adding more CTF blocks on the horizontal axis, providing limitless possibilities in regard to recursion and loops. This is an important factor because CTF blocks can be placed inside another CTF block. An example of this visualisation is:

HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland