Conclusion oyster cultivation on dykes

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Model link = Bfn Conclusion oyster cultivation on dykes

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The question of whether commercial aquaculture of Magallana gigas on the 'kreukelberm' of dykes is possible very much depends on the amount of investment one is willing to make. If dykes with 'kreukelbermen' at heights where inundation periods were 70% or higher, could be found in locations with enough food availability in the water, and hydrodynamics to make it available to the oysters, and if a system was developed with which oysters could be efficiently placed without being washed away or stolen, then aquaculture of Magallana gigas on the 'kreukelberm' could be possible. However, the investment necessary to meet all of the above criteria along with the potentially limited growth rate and condition of oysters grown on the 'kreukelberm' make this a less than efficient option for aquaculturalists (Van den Brink en Capelle 2017).


HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland