Design ecoblock revetments with stakeholders

Context VN set links: model = Bfn Design ecoblock revetments with stakeholders

Set VN link, Property name = Supercontext, Property VN name = Supercontext

Model link = Bfn Design ecoblock revetments with stakeholders

Result =

End Set VN link

The design of the ecoblocks was done taking in account the input of stakeholders on several workshops. This phase took place between November 2013 and February 2014 and later between November 2014 and April 2015. In these two periods eight design sessions where scheduled. During the workshops design considerations, ecological opportunities and production limitations were considered and incorporated in the final design.

HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland