Bfn Ecological functions

Bfn Ecological functions
Context Bfn Natural values of solid dikes
Decompositie type IOR


Revetments are able to perform some of the ecological functions provided by natural rocky coasts.

These ecological functions include:

  • hiding place for predatory and prey species,
  • providing shelter against currents,
  • substrate for attachment,
  • food collection, as foraging grounds for animals and as a place to grow for plants,
  • mating grounds, nursery or a surface to attach eggs.

For sessile species or species that have a sessile lifestyle during one of their development stages, substrate surface properties are important as it must allow them to attach to it. Abundance of pools, pits, crevices and cavities on the surface of the dike is essential in creating shelters and hiding places for organisms that could inhabit the revetments and the surrounding area.

Ecological functions of revetments can be improved even further by accommodating settlement of epifouling organisms, since they can act as ecosystem engineers. These organisms influence and shape the substrate they live on through their presence and their physical structure (Firth et al., 2014). Such organisms as mussels, oysters, fucoid algae and sabellariid worms provide hiding places, refuge from currents and foraging grounds for small invertebrates.

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Komt van Type Connectie type Conditie Waarde Opmerkingen
Bfn Abiotic factors Contributes +
Bfn Properties habitat Refers ecological function
Bfn Properties revetments Contributes +
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland