Natural values of solid dikes

Context VN set links: model = Bfn Natural values of solid dikes

Set VN link, Property name = Supercontext, Property VN name = Supercontext

Model link = Bfn Natural values of solid dikes

Result = Bfn Building for Nature project VN

End Set VN link

Until present, coastal defense systems in the Netherlands have mainly been designed from a civil engineering perspective. The focus is on safety and water management. However, hard defense systems like revetments can also be viewed as artificial rocky coasts. For centuries, the construction of coastal defense systems has led to loss of nature values associated to soft sediment habitats and enlarged the extend of artificial rocky coasts (Martin et al., 2005). Yet, these newly created coasts harbor a low quality of nature values, because their design was only aimed at safety, neglecting nature values. To mitigate ecological impacts of coastal defense systems, their design may be optimized to enhance nature values and facilitate the growth of many species. The RAAK PRO-project Building for Nature aims to design revetments in such a manner that they have an added value to nature (Building for Nature project proposal, 2012 (in Dutch)). Here, we focus on the intertidal part of the dike, excluding the higher part of the dike which is never submersed and only influenced by spray. Also the riprap zone at the toe of the dike is excluded, and therefore also the larger structures like tidal pools that can be created in this zone to facilitate marine benthic communities.

Theoretical framework

In the scheme below, the relationship is described between the properties of revetments, (other) abiotic factors and the ecological functions a revetment can provide. Depending on factors like inundation time, water salinity and temperature, a carefully designed revetment may facilitate ecological functions like the attachment and growth of seaweed, bivalves or other ecosystem engineers, which in turn create a habitat for other marine benthic species including other shellfish, anemones and small crustaceans. This may lead, as shown by the loop in the center of the figure, to more ecological functions, such as food supply for larger species of fish, crustaceans and birds like ruddy turnstones (Arenaria interpres). Ultimately, the revetment will also provide several ecosystem services, which may include the conservation of biodiversity or, on the other end, the exploitation of edible species. By clicking one of the boxes, more information is provided, including examples and references to case studies. Together this information provides the theoretical framework for different case studies that have been carried out in the Netherlands. These case studies are described based on the same scheme.

Bfn Properties revetments VN Bfn Ecological functions VN Bfn Abiotic factors VN Bfn Ecosystem services VN Bfn Properties habitat VN Bfn Anthropogenic activities VN Bfn Solid dike revetments and natural values VN Bfn Mastic asfalt and natural values VN Bfn Foreshore rubble and natural values VN Bfn Natural values of solid dikes VNRevetments final 20150923
Over deze afbeelding
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland