PP Saline groundwater in tidal basin

PP Saline groundwater in tidal basin
Context PP Ontpoldering Perkpolder
Type Condition
Decompositie type IOR

Figure 1: Time series of measured hydraulic heads at 3 different depths for location td4 (o= 3m, m=8m, d=12m) (Boersema et al. 2016).

In figure 1 the measured hydraulic head of location td4 (see Boersema et al. (2016) page 29) is presented for three different depths. Clearly visible is the moment of opening of the dike at 25th of June 2015 when salt water flooded the area for the first time and suddenly the hydraulic head increased as well the tidal fluctuation. Also visible is the decrease of the tidal fluctuation of the hydraulic head with depth, according to the expectations.

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Onderdeel van PP Groundwater processes
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Draagt bij aan PP Seepage of saline water
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Komt van Type Connectie type Conditie Waarde Opmerkingen
PP Discharge inlet Contributes +
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland