Bfn Building for Nature project: verschil tussen versies

Regel 22: Regel 22:
File:Hoofdmap_BfN_Engels v20150916.jpeg|center|1100px|Hoofdmap_BfN_Engels v20150916
File:Hoofdmap_BfN_Engels v20160120.jpeg|center|1100px|Hoofdmap_BfN_Engels v20160120
rect 2008 962 2336 1028 [[Bfn Development guidlines Building for Nature applications]]
rect 2064 1025 2392 1091 [[Bfn Development guidlines Building for Nature applications]]
rect 2050 1095 2275 1161 [[Bfn Practical guide ecological design]]
rect 2105 1158 2330 1224 [[Bfn Practical guide ecological design]]
rect 531 423 853 489 [[Bfn Design ecoblock revetments with stakeholders]]
rect 586 486 908 552 [[Bfn Design ecoblock revetments with stakeholders]]
rect 1156 423 1381 489 [[Bfn Data collection ecoblock revetments]]
rect 1211 486 1436 552 [[Bfn Data collection ecoblock revetments]]
rect 179 423 486 489 [[Bfn Literature review and interviews ecoblock revetments ]]
rect 234 486 541 552 [[Bfn Literature review and interviews ecoblock revetments ]]
rect 1417 423 1621 489 [[Bfn Data analysis ecoblock revetments]]
rect 1472 486 1676 552 [[Bfn Data analysis ecoblock revetments]]
rect 894 423 1119 489 [[Bfn Production and placing ecoblock revetments]]
rect 949 486 1174 552 [[Bfn Production and placing ecoblock revetments]]
rect 752 575 977 641 [[Bfn Design ecoblock revetments]]
rect 807 638 1032 704 [[Bfn Design ecoblock revetments]]
rect 392 575 617 641 [[Bfn Knowledge gaps ecoblock revetments]]
rect 447 638 672 704 [[Bfn Knowledge gaps ecoblock revetments]]
rect 1265 588 1515 627 [[Bfn Data ecoblock revetments]]
rect 1320 651 1570 690 [[Bfn Data ecoblock revetments]]
rect 1577 575 1802 641 [[Bfn Conclusions ecoblock revetments]]
rect 1633 638 1858 704 [[Bfn Conclusions ecoblock revetments]]
rect 179 315 486 381 [[Bfn Making an inventory of the ecoblocks at field locations]]
rect 234 378 537 444 [[Bfn Inventarisation of the ecoblocks at field locations]]
rect 127 275 1834 650 [[Bfn Designing and researching ecoblock revetments]]
rect 182 338 1876 713 [[Bfn Designing and researching ecoblock revetments]]
rect 592 803 880 869 [[Bfn Design mastic asphalt applications with stakeholders]]
rect 605 867 893 933 [[Bfn Design mastic asphalt applications with stakeholders]]
rect 1162 803 1387 869 [[Bfn Data collection mastic asphalt]]
rect 1175 867 1400 933 [[Bfn Data collection mastic asphalt]]
rect 179 803 512 869 [[Bfn Literature review and interviews mastic asphalt]]
rect 234 867 541 933 [[Bfn Literature review and interviews mastic asphalt]]
rect 1417 803 1642 869 [[Bfn Data analysis mastic asphalt ]]
rect 1430 867 1655 933 [[Bfn Data analysis mastic asphalt ]]
rect 908 803 1133 869 [[Bfn Production and placing mastic asphalt]]
rect 921 867 1146 933 [[Bfn Production and placing mastic asphalt]]
rect 784 954 1009 1020 [[Bfn Design mastic asphalt ]]
rect 797 1017 1022 1083 [[Bfn Design mastic asphalt ]]
rect 467 954 692 1020 [[Bfn Knowledge gaps mastic asphalt ]]
rect 479 1017 704 1083 [[Bfn Knowledge gaps mastic asphalt ]]
rect 1295 968 1520 1007 [[Bfn Data mastic asphalt]]
rect 1308 1031 1533 1070 [[Bfn Data mastic asphalt]]
rect 1601 954 1826 1020 [[Bfn Conclusions mastic asphalt ]]
rect 1614 1017 1839 1083 [[Bfn Conclusions mastic asphalt ]]
rect 179 700 512 766 [[Bfn Making an inventory of revetments with alternative mastic asfalt]]
rect 236 763 540 829 [[Bfn Inventarisation revetments with alternative mastic asfalt]]
rect 127 660 1834 1066 [[Bfn Designing and researching ecological potential mastic asphalt]]
rect 182 723 1876 1129 [[Bfn Designing and researching ecological potential mastic asphalt]]
rect 520 1119 755 1185 [[Bfn Design foreshore rubble with stakeholders]]
rect 575 1182 810 1248 [[Bfn Design foreshore rubble with stakeholders]]
rect 1045 1119 1270 1185 [[Bfn Data collection foreshore rubble]]
rect 1100 1182 1325 1248 [[Bfn Data collection foreshore rubble]]
rect 179 1119 486 1185 [[Bfn Literature review and interviews foreshore rubble]]
rect 234 1182 541 1248 [[Bfn Literature review and interviews foreshore rubble]]
rect 1300 1119 1525 1185 [[Bfn Data analysis foreshore rubble]]
rect 1355 1182 1580 1248 [[Bfn Data analysis foreshore rubble]]
rect 788 1119 1013 1185 [[Bfn Placing foreshore rubble]]
rect 844 1182 1069 1248 [[Bfn Placing foreshore rubble]]
rect 655 1283 880 1349 [[Bfn Designs foreshore rubble]]
rect 710 1346 935 1412 [[Bfn Designs foreshore rubble]]
rect 386 1283 611 1349 [[Bfn Knowledge gaps foreshore rubble]]
rect 442 1346 667 1412 [[Bfn Knowledge gaps foreshore rubble]]
rect 1181 1296 1394 1335 [[Bfn Data foreshore rubble]]
rect 1236 1360 1449 1399 [[Bfn Data foreshore rubble]]
rect 1454 1271 1679 1337 [[Bfn Conclusions foreshore rubble]]
rect 1509 1334 1734 1400 [[Bfn Conclusions foreshore rubble]]
rect 127 1079 1834 1358 [[Bfn Desiging and researching ecological potential foreshore rubble]]
rect 182 1142 1876 1421 [[Bfn Desiging and researching ecological potential foreshore rubble]]
rect 75 235 2344 1368 [[Bfn Researching and designing solid dike revetments to increase natural values]]
rect 131 299 2400 1432 [[Bfn Researching and designing solid dike revetments to increase natural values]]
rect 2042 63 2337 163 [[Bfn Aim of Building for Nature project]]
rect 2098 126 2393 226 [[Bfn Aim of Building for Nature project]]
rect 24 24 2353 1378 [[Bfn Building for Nature project]]
rect 79 87 2408 1441 [[Bfn Building for Nature project]]
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{{Context query}}

Versie van 20 jan 2016 om 14:11

Bfn Building for Nature project
Overkoepelende context
Context type Situation

Figure 1: Illustration of a 'rich' dike (Ruth Hengeveld).

Building for Nature (BfN) stands for creating an ecosystem by means of applying materials that enhance natural values through their form. The goal of the project Building for Nature is to investigate materials that stimulate natural values for the construction of dikes and foreshores, while maintaining the hydraulic engineering functions. These materials can at the same time enhance joint use, like diving, fishing and cultivation of oysters and mussels. The Dutch coast, especially the coast in the Southwest Delta, offers a vast potential with several hundred kilometers dikes and enforced foreshores that create a 'rocky coast' with interesting and divers ecological communities, like algae, shellfish and foraging birds. Dike managers don't have sufficient knowledge of materials that maximally exploit this potential. Furthermore, the scientific knowledge is developing rapidly of which materials and which forms will deliver the highest natural values. The RAAK-PRO project is aimed at executing applied research and thereby develop new knowledge and expertise about Building for Nature: new processes of design and construction for dikes and foreshores, which create added value for nature and joint use, besides safety. You can find more information in the (Dutch) project plan Building for Nature: innovatie van dijken en vooroevers.

A summary of the project and its organisation can be seen on this page (in Dutch)


References to relevant literature are made in the text on the pages.
An overview of reports and articles of the project can be seen at this page.

Further reading

Underneath you'll find a so called 'concept map' of the Building for Nature project. This concept map follows the consecutive steps in the execution of the project. The nodes in the concept have been made clickable, in order to access the information behind each node. The researchers will fill the pages with information during the term of the project.

Bfn Development guidlines Building for Nature applications Bfn Practical guide ecological design Bfn Design ecoblock revetments with stakeholders Bfn Data collection ecoblock revetments Bfn Literature review and interviews ecoblock revetments Bfn Data analysis ecoblock revetments Bfn Production and placing ecoblock revetments Bfn Design ecoblock revetments Bfn Knowledge gaps ecoblock revetments Bfn Data ecoblock revetments Bfn Conclusions ecoblock revetments Bfn Inventarisation of the ecoblocks at field locations Bfn Designing and researching ecoblock revetments Bfn Design mastic asphalt applications with stakeholders Bfn Data collection mastic asphalt Bfn Literature review and interviews mastic asphalt Bfn Data analysis mastic asphalt Bfn Production and placing mastic asphalt Bfn Design mastic asphalt Bfn Knowledge gaps mastic asphalt Bfn Data mastic asphalt Bfn Conclusions mastic asphalt Bfn Inventarisation revetments with alternative mastic asfalt Bfn Designing and researching ecological potential mastic asphalt Bfn Design foreshore rubble with stakeholders Bfn Data collection foreshore rubble Bfn Literature review and interviews foreshore rubble Bfn Data analysis foreshore rubble Bfn Placing foreshore rubble Bfn Designs foreshore rubble Bfn Knowledge gaps foreshore rubble Bfn Data foreshore rubble Bfn Conclusions foreshore rubble Bfn Desiging and researching ecological potential foreshore rubble Bfn Researching and designing solid dike revetments to increase natural values Bfn Aim of Building for Nature project Bfn Building for Nature projectHoofdmap_BfN_Engels v20160120
Over deze afbeelding

De View-Navigation (VN) pagina's.

De opbouw van deze context.

  • Subcontexten
Bfn Experiments with Elastocoast at Zuidbout and Petten
Bfn Natural temperate rocky shores
Bfn Natural values of solid dikes
RAAK-PRO-project Building for Nature (BfN)
  • Actor
  • Practices & Experiences
Bfn Building for Nature project experience Experience
  • Elementen
Bfn Aim of Building for Nature project Goal
Bfn Conclusion oyster cultivation on dykes Outcome
Bfn Conclusions ecoblock revetments Outcome
Bfn Conclusions foreshore rubble Outcome
Bfn Conclusions mastic asphalt Outcome
Bfn Data analysis ecoblock revetments Activity
Bfn Data analysis foreshore rubble Activity
Bfn Data analysis mastic asphalt Activity
Bfn Data collection and data analysis Activity
Bfn Data collection ecoblock revetments Activity
Bfn Data collection mastic asphalt Activity
Bfn Data ecoblock revetments Outcome
Bfn Data mastic asphalt Outcome
Bfn Design and installation Activity
Bfn Design ecoblock revetments Outcome
Bfn Design ecoblock revetments with stakeholders Activity
Bfn Design foreshore rubble with stakeholders Activity
Bfn Design mastic asphalt Outcome
Bfn Design mastic asphalt applications with stakeholders Activity
Bfn Designing and researching ecoblock revetments Activity
Bfn Designing and researching ecological potential foreshore rubble Activity
Bfn Designing and researching ecological potential mastic asphalt Activity
Bfn Development guidlines Building for Nature applications Activity
Bfn Knowledge gap oyster production on dykes Outcome
Bfn Knowledge gaps ecoblock revetments Outcome
Bfn Knowledge gaps mastic asphalt Outcome
Bfn Literature review and interviews ecoblock revetments Activity
Bfn Literature review and interviews foreshore rubble Activity
Bfn Literature review and interviews mastic asphalt Activity
Bfn Literature review oyster cultivation on dykes Activity
Bfn Literatuurlijst Outcome
Bfn Making an inventory of revetments with alternative mastic asfalt Activity
Bfn Making an inventory of the ecoblocks at field locations Activity
Bfn Oyster production on dykes Activity
Bfn Practical guide ecological design Outcome
Bfn Production and placing ecoblock revetments Activity
Bfn Production and placing mastic asphalt Activity
Bfn Researching and designing solid dike revetments to increase natural values Activity
Bfn Summary Building for Nature applications Activity
  • Links tussen elementen
  Type Linkt naar Connectie type Conditie Waarde Opmerkingen
Bfn Data collection ecoblock revetments Connects Bfn Data analysis ecoblock revetments seq
Bfn Data collection mastic asphalt Connects Bfn Data analysis mastic asphalt seq
Bfn Design and installation Connects Bfn Data collection and data analysis seq
Bfn Design ecoblock revetments with stakeholders Connects Bfn Production and placing ecoblock revetments seq
Bfn Design foreshore rubble with stakeholders Connects Bfn Data analysis foreshore rubble seq
Bfn Design mastic asphalt Refers Bfn Design mastic asphalt applications with stakeholders this page
Bfn Design mastic asphalt applications with stakeholders Connects Bfn Production and placing mastic asphalt seq
Bfn Designing and researching ecoblock revetments Refers Bfn Literature review and interviews ecoblock revetments this page
Bfn Literature review and interviews ecoblock revetments Connects Bfn Design ecoblock revetments with stakeholders join
Bfn Literature review and interviews ecoblock revetments Refers Bfn Natural values of solid dikes this page
Bfn Literature review and interviews foreshore rubble Connects Bfn Design foreshore rubble with stakeholders seq
Bfn Literature review and interviews foreshore rubble Refers Bfn Natural temperate rocky shores Natural temperate rocky shores
Bfn Literature review and interviews mastic asphalt Connects Bfn Design mastic asphalt applications with stakeholders join
Bfn Literature review oyster cultivation on dykes Connects Bfn Design and installation seq
Bfn Making an inventory of revetments with alternative mastic asfalt Connects Bfn Design mastic asphalt applications with stakeholders join
Bfn Making an inventory of the ecoblocks at field locations Connects Bfn Design ecoblock revetments with stakeholders join
Bfn Production and placing ecoblock revetments Connects Bfn Data collection ecoblock revetments seq
Bfn Production and placing mastic asphalt Connects Bfn Data collection mastic asphalt seq
Bfn Researching and designing solid dike revetments to increase natural values Contributes Bfn Aim of Building for Nature project +
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland