Property:Dummy element link

This is a property of type Page.

Pagina's die de eigenschap "Dummy element link" gebruiken

Er zijn 25 pagina's die deze eigenschappen gebruiken.

(vorige 25 | volgende 25) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) bekijken.
RP Uitvoeren T0-monitoring + RP Uitvoeren monitoring 2016-2024  +
RP Uitwerken in vier suppletie-ontwerpen + RP Doorrekenen vier suppletie-ontwerpen  +
RWS Actualiseren + RWS Maken van visiedocumenten en beleidsplannen  +
RWS Maken van visiedocumenten en beleidsplannen + RWS Wetgeving  +, RWS Verdragen  +, RWS Uitvoeren van kerntaken Rijkswaterstaat  +
RWS Monitoren en evalueren + RWS Actualiseren  +
RWS Uitvoeren van kerntaken Rijkswaterstaat + RWS Monitoren en evalueren  +, RWS Doelstelling RWS  +
Realisatie Veiligheidsbuffer Oesterdam + Oesterdam VB: doelstellingen project  +
SD Design and plan + SD Definitive design  +, SD Realise  +
SD Determine how much every organisation will contribute in kind and financially + SD Writing of proposal for EFRO subsidy  +
SD Field trip to find a good location for a Building with Nature project + SD Initiative meeting 2  +
SD Granting of EFRO subsidy + SD Stimulate local and regional economy  +, SD Select overall projectleaders  +
SD Inform Deltares BwN specialist Mindert de Vries + SD Inform WB head of Ecology deparment Marcel Klinge  +
SD Inform WB head of Ecology deparment Marcel Klinge + SD Access to good practical ecological knowledge  +, SD Field trip to find a good location for a Building with Nature project  +
SD Initative meeting 1 + SD Ecoshape wants to show Building with Nature can be used in real life projects  +, SD Inform Deltares BwN specialist Mindert de Vries  +
SD Initiate + SD Location for BwN in Dordrecht  +, SD Commitment from stakeholders  +, SD Design and plan  +
SD Initiative meeting 2 + SD Putting together the project team for the application for the EFRO subsidy  +
SD Interviews with stakeholders + SD Workshop with stakeholders  +
SD Maintain + SD Keeping Stadswerven park in the desired state with the use of Building with Nature principles  +, SD Remove  +
SD Project meeting 1 + SD Agreement on desireable outcomes of project and project plan  +, SD Social economical system analyses  +, SD Governmental system analyses  +,
SD Putting together the project team for the application for the EFRO subsidy + SD Determine how much every organisation will contribute in kind and financially  +
SD Realise + SD Stadswerven park build with the use of Building with Nature principles  +, SD Maintain  +
SD Remove + SD Leave location in a good state for another use  +
SD Search for innovations in watermanagement + SD Make urban environment greener  +, SD Strenghtening of reputation as Innovative Water City  +, SD Within municipality of Dordrecht  +,
SD Select overall projectleaders + SD Startup meeting  +
SD Sign cooperation agreement + SD Commitment from the concerning parties  +
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland