Bfn Data analysis foreshore rubble

Bfn Data analysis foreshore rubble
Context Bfn Building for Nature project
Decompositie type IOR


Average percentage of coverage for the epifauna at 2014, 2015 and 2016 Tangelder et al (2017).

The CPUE of the west and east (oost) part of the study area. The error bars show the standard deviation the three measurement days. Tangelder et al (2017).

Picture of oyster reef (-5m NAP) at the study location, T0-measuremetn (Photo: Marco Dubbeldam, Stichting Zeeschelp, August 2014)

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HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland