Bfn Physical properties of rocky shores

Bfn Physical properties of rocky shores
Context Bfn Natural temperate rocky shores
Type Condition
Decompositie type IOR

Coastline of Europe consists of highly diverse geomorphological features, with the northern part of Europe dominated by hard rock cliffs and soft, glacial deposits considering that for the last 2 million years continuous growth and retreat of the ice sheets eroded or buried the bedrock. Thus the Atlantic coasts of Norway, northern and western Britain and Ireland consist of hard, erosion resistant rock cliffs, tidal inlets and rocky shores, while the coastline of southern England, France, northern Spain and Portugal is formed of relatively softer limestone cliffs. Furthermore, fluvial deposits form the large tide dominated estuarine areas of the southern North Sea and smaller deltas of the southern Baltic Sea, where the low-lying seaside landscape consists of salt marshes, sand dunes, tidal sand and mud flats. Subtidal areas are also mostly dominated by soft sediment. The coast of Mediterranean Sea has large coastal plains and both hard and soft rock shores, such as steep limestone cliffs and gently sloping rocky shores (Schwartz, 2006).

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Bestaat uit Type
Bfn Pits and crevices Condition
Bfn Rock type Condition
Bfn Surface roughness Condition

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HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland