Bfn Surface roughness

Bfn Surface roughness
Context Bfn Natural temperate rocky shores
Type Condition
Decompositie type IOR

Roughness or heterogeneity of rock surfaces creates turbulences, that can dissipate incoming wave energy, reducing small scale wave impact. This heterogeneity can create microhabitats and shelters, thus influencing biodiversity and abundance of species found on rocky shores. Surface roughness can be examined at micro-scale (mm to cm) and also in macro-scale (cm to dm, or m).

Micro scale surface roughness has a positive effect on the settlement rates of sessile invertebrates and algae, and has the additional effect of decreasing grazing and foraging efficiency. Substrate roughness is also depended of rock type, for instance, various cracks and pores in vesicular (cavity filled) volcanic rock (such as basalt), coarse and granular limestone surfaces, or crystalline texture of rocks such as granite that are rich in silica (Murray et al., 2002; Roff and Zacharias, 2013).

Macro scale surface roughness in general is created by irregularities in the rocky substrate, such as pits and crevices, and rock pools.

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Draagt bij aan Bfn Habitat provision and support
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HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland