Surface roughness

Set VN link, Property name = Context, Property VN name = Context

Model link = Bfn Surface roughness of foreshore rubble

Result = Bfn Foreshore rubble VN

End Set VN link

Set VN link, Property name = Produces, Property VN name = Produces

Model link = Bfn Surface roughness of foreshore rubble

Result =

End Set VN link

Set VN link, Property name = Consumes, Property VN name = Consumes

Model link = Bfn Surface roughness of foreshore rubble

Result =

End Set VN link

Set VN link, Property name = Part of, Property VN name = Part of

Model link = Bfn Surface roughness of foreshore rubble

Result =

End Set VN link

Set VN link, Property name = Instance of, Property VN name = Instance of

Model link = Bfn Surface roughness of foreshore rubble

Result =

End Set VN link

Set VN link, Property name = Concerns, Property VN name = Concerns

Model link = Bfn Surface roughness of foreshore rubble

Result =

End Set VN link

Roughness (or heterogeneity) of hard surfaces creates turbulences, that can dissipate incoming wave energy, reducing small scale wave impact. Unlike interlocking blocks and solid seawalls that are sturdy and inflexible, randomly placed crushed rock or similar weathering resistant materials can experience re-settlement and adjustment by the displaced wave energy, although only up to a point (anon., 2013). On hard, man-made structures surface heterogeneity can create microhabitats and shelters, influencing biodiversity and abundance of species that could settle there. Surface roughness can be examined at micro-scale (mm to cm) and also in macro-scale (cm to dm, or m).

Macro scale surface roughness can be increased by creating irregularities in the coastal defense structures and adding different structural elements, such as geometric concrete blocks or small, water retaining intertidal pools. It must be noted, that in general macro scale roughness is not as common in designs of the subtidal part of the sea defenses, especially concerning riprap. One possible way for greater heterogeneity of foreshore rubble could be varying its structure with the addition of relatively small patches of larger boulders.

Micro scale surface roughness has a positive effect on the settlement rates of sessile invertebrates and algae, and has the additional effect of decreasing grazing and foraging efficiency of their predators. Substrate roughness is depended of the type of material used, for instance, various cracks and pores in vesicular (cavity filled) volcanic rock (such as basalt), coarse concrete surfaces (dependent on the type of concrete), or crystalline texture of rocks such as granite that are rich in silica. In most riprap design guidelines angular stones are the preferred choice instead of rounded stones, as they are able to interlock with each other creating a stable layer of stones. Rough angular stones also have a greater surface area and overall roughness (Lagasse et al., 2006; Murray et al., 2002; Roff and Zacharias, 2013).


HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland