Project BwLN: kennisontwikkeling werkpakket 3

Project BwLN: kennisontwikkeling werkpakket 3
Context Project BwLN
Decompositie type IOR


Uitgevoerde activiteiten

In the RAAK-PRO Building with Living Nature project the main question was how to make the available knowledge regarding Building with Living nature concepts accessible to professionals of the work field. Through different research teams, for each work package, the main and sub questions were worked out. During the RAAK-PRO BwLN project work package 3 concentrated on identifying the basis of several BwLN concepts (together with work package 1), and fill in the knowledge gaps, thru several experiments and studies, in order to provide the work field with more robust tools regarding the use of BwN solutions

The approach of work package 3 is focused on applied research. Within this approach the research done in work package 3 was divided in practical and theoretical research depending on the goal and desired outcome for a specific study. In the same way, depending on the study, several methodologies were also adopted. The main methodologies adopted in WP3 were:

  • Qualitative: when this methodology was applied the main goal was to describe in detail a specific situation using research tools like surveys, and observations. in several situations following this methodology other methodologies were applied with the aim of finding relations between variables or quantify some of the results founded in this first research methodology.
  • Quantitative: with the goal of quantify data involving numerical and statistical explanations, this methodology was applied in several studies and the outcome, in some cases, was presented in scientific papers or conferences.
  • Correlation/Regression Analysis: with the goal of determining the strength of the relationship between two or more variables this research methodology was applied in several studies and the outcome, in the same way of the previous methodology was also presented in scientific publications or in conferences.

Regarding the research methodology and approach four main activities can be described:

  • Set-up of experiments including technical design, trials and lab work in relation to requests from work package 1 and 2;
  • Field work in Eastern Scheldt area including amongst others measurements, data collection (including biotic, abiotic, ecological and morphological monitoring) and analysis;
  • Numerical modeling on the impact of oyster reefs on waves, currents and sediment, using several methodologies, linked to field data.
  • Desk research in order to establish the state-of-the-art in international literature

Verworven kennis en inzichten

The gained insight and knowledge is reflected on the results especially on the scientific publications and the participation in conferences or workshops. Attention is given to the dissemination of the gained knowledge, especially the one that can be important for the work field, which was integrated in the Delta Expertise site on the impact of oyster reefs in the Eastern Scheldt, a platform created in the work package 4 to facilitate the dissemination of the gained knowledge during this project. In this work package cooperation is an important feature to achieve the desired goals. Cooperation with research institutes is extremely important to ensure the reliability of data and methodologies on all research. Therefore one added value of this project was the creation of a network with other research institutes for data collection, analysis and in some cases sharing of facilities and equipment.

The research that has taken place in the context of work package 3 brought the following knowledge and insights:

  • Oyster reefs: Creation of knowledge, tools and guidelines to apply artificial oyster reefs for sediment stabilization and successful restoration of oyster reefs;
  • Intertidal morphology in erosional basins;
  • Interaction between sediment and benthos;
  • Ecological design to improve ecological value of a sand nourishments: the Oesterdam case

Behaalde resultaten

The main results from the WP3 are the reports from the researchers and students, the scientific publications and the participation in conferences or workshops. In the same way the integration of the knowledge in guest lectures or in courses are some of the other results. Within work package 3 some results are highlighted in the following list:

Student reports and products are presented in appendices 2-5. Work package 3 was involved in the development of these reports.

Veranderingen in het werkpakket

The emphasis of the work package 3 was mainly on the oyster reefs and Oesterdam. Some other subjects, such as the sediment and their interaction with benthos or rich revetments were also explored but mainly done by students. Nevertheless these studies were validated either by the researchers or external entities such as deltares, that was not the goal, or at least, not the way the research group intended. Another adaptation measure was the amount of time spent on the relation between the research group and education(or students). Although this relation revealed to be very profitable the initial estimated amount was clearly short and underestimated. As an added value to this project it is emphasized the increase of research capacity, improvement of research skills, and a shift into a more result oriented approach research by focusing immediately in getting results and starting with smaller studies instead of trying to understand immediately the whole system.

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HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland