Development of the benthic community

Context VN set links: model = RA Development of the benthic community

Set VN link, Property name = Supercontext, Property VN name = Supercontext

Model link = RA Development of the benthic community

Result =

End Set VN link

Figure 1: Benthic macrofauna sampling in the Rammegors area, May 2017 (top photos) and September (bottom photos) 2017. Notice the thick peat layer (top right photo). First cockels (C. edule and C. glaucum) observed in autumn 2017 (bottom right photo). Photos: Tom Ysebaert and Brenda Walles.

A fast colonization of the benthic macrofauna was observed in Rammegors. The communities significantly differed between spring and autumn 2017, but did not change after autumn 2017. In spring, densities reached high values, especially for the brackish mud shrimp Manocorophium insidiosum and mosquito larvae Chironomidae. In autumn, these brackish species almost disappeared from the area. Their presence in autumn, even in low numbers, as well as the observation of the brackish cockle Cerastoderma glaucum indicate that, almost a year after the tidal restoration, parts of Rammegors are still under influence of brackish water. In spring a further decline occurred among the brackish species indicating the transition to a marine environment. Benthic macrofauna development shows a relation with elevation. An optimum of species richness was found around 0.4 m NAP with lower values at both lower and higher elevations.

A significant relation was found between elevation and the benthic macrofauna. Total density, biomass and species richness showed a significant relation along the elevation gradient with an optimum around +0.4m NAP and lower values at both lower and higher elevations. Total density significant increases with an increase in chlorophyll-a, silt content and organic matter. A significant decrease in total density and species richness was observed with increasing bulk density, indicating that more compact sediments contain less species in lower abundances. Total density, biomass and species richness increased with increasing distance from the inlet. After two years, it is unknown if the community within the Rammegors area reached stability or develops at a slow pace. Future monitoring and a comparison to a community found in a comparable natural habitat is needed to study this (Walles et al. 2019).


HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland