RA Rammegors

RA Rammegors
Overkoepelende context OS De Oosterschelde
Context type Situation

Figure 1: Outflow of saltwater during ebb from the Rammegors (right side of photo) into the Eastern Scheldt through the culverts in the Krabbenkreek dam (left side of photo). Photo: Tom Ysebaert


Salt marches in the Eastern Scheldt are at risk due to wave erosion in combination with the lack of sufficient sediment in the water column to support vertical accretion. This comes as a result of sand deficit in the Eastern Scheldt. Rijkswaterstaat pursues two approaches in order to support the area with salt marches: 1) protecting the existing marches, and 2) creating new intertidal areas. The Rammegors project is an example of the latter approach. The managed realignment project at Rammegors aims at re-establishing estuarine nature in a formerly freshwater wetland. For this purpose, a tidal inlet was constructed in the Krabbekreekdam to generate a reduced tidal influence that should allow the development of salt marsh area, tidal flat area and low energetic shallow sub-tidal area. A central question of the Rammegors tidal restoration project is how the flora and fauna will develop.

Monitoring project

The Rammegors monitoring project was executed by the Centre of Expertise Delta Technology. This is a consortium formed by the HZ University of Applied Sciences, Wageningen Marine Research (WMR), NIOZ, Deltares and Rijkswaterstaat. The results of the project are described in the following reports:

Further reading

Below the references you see a so-called concept map that serves as a navigation tool to gain access to information about this context. The components of the concept map can be clicked, making the underlying information available. You will find more information about the use of the concept maps on the page Reading Guide concept map.

RA Groundwater quality RA Intrusion of salt water RA Development of the vegetation RA Development of the benthic community RA Soil structure RA Bringing tide back in Rammegors RA Project goal RA RammegorsRammegors
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HZ University of Applied Sciences
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
Projectbureau Zeeweringen
Waterschap Scheldestromen
Provincie Zeeland